Envisioning a post-pandemic European Union

Work package 7 – Prescription


Based on lessons learnt through the pandemic from previous work packages, work package 7 aims to look forward and provide actionable advice for key policy-makers. This is done by examining the directions the EU should take in the next decade to be a more effective and legitimate political system, especially in tackling future crises. The analysis will be structured on three pillars: a resilient society; a resilient economy; and resilient governance.



Corina Stratulat, Head of European Politics and Institutions Programme and Senior Policy Analyst at the European Policy Centre.



Running from February 2024 to July 2025



Foresight paper: Making the EU fit for the permacrisis. A foresight analysis on social, economic and governance resilience

Focus paper: Legal and constitutional reflections on the Conference on the Future of Europe