Rebuilding Governance and Resilience out of the Pandemic

Culminating more than a decade of crisis in Europe, the Covid-19 pandemic has opened an important window of opportunity for institutional and policy change, not only at the “reactive” level of emergency responses, but also to tackle more broadly the many socio-political challenges caused or exacerbated by Covid-19. Building on this premise, the Horizon Europe project REGROUP (Rebuilding governance and resilience out of the pandemic) aims to: 1) provide the European Union with a body of actionable advice on how to rebuild post-pandemic governance and public policies in an effective and democratic way; anchored to 2) a map of the socio-political dynamics and consequences of Covid-19; and 3) an empirically-informed normative evaluation of the pandemic.


Read more about our objectives, analytical framework, and work packages. 


REGROUP is conducted by a consortium of 14 internationally renowned institutions, committed to scholarly excellence, inclusiveness, and open science.


Find out more about the research and findings of REGROUP by exploring our paper series.









read the latest news from regroup

The digital transition and societal resilience in Europe – What role for the EU’s 2030 Digital Decade Policy Programme?

Technological progress, while often…

The transnational mini-public in Brussels

Following the national mini-publics held respectively in Italy, Germany, Poland, France, and the Netherlands, REGROUP organized its final citizens’ jury event…

Recent publications

A federalist alternative to European governance: The European Union in hard times

Geographic variation in COVID-19 protests in the EU-27: Actors, grievances, and protest frames during a public health crisis

Drivers of economic risk and scenarios for the EU