Crisis and international relations: Covid-19 in comparative perspective
Work package 2 – Diagnosis
Work package 2 will assess the international and transnational dimension of the Covid-19 crisis by analysing its impact on geopolitical and geo-economic dynamics, global governance, and European integration. The WP hypothesis is that the pandemic has challenged the multilateral system unprecedentedly but has also opened new opportunities to improve the capacity of international actors to cope with and react to future crises. The WP will examine how the EU can seize these opportunities and be a key player in global governance reform.
Nicoletta Pirozzi, Head of the EU, politics and institutions programme and Institutional Relations Manager at Istituto Affari Internazionali.
Running from October 2022 to July 2024
Research paper: Crisis and Geopolitical Reordering: Covid-19 from a Comparative Perspective
Research paper: Analysing the performance of multilateral organizations facing major crises: Covid-19 in comparative perspective
Research paper: Will Europe be forged in crises? The impact of the Covid-19 and Ukraine crises on EU actorness
Policy paper: The EU’s role in restructuring post-crisis global governance